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Monday, September 18, 2023

Open Letter to Florida Attorneys That Represent Aggrieved Auto Buyers

Dear Ms. or Mr. Attorney,

First, allow me to commend you for representing one of the most unprotected groups of consumers in Florida. While buyers of insurance, real estate, food, pharmaceuticals, and almost any other product enjoy considerable protection from attorneys and local, state, and federal agencies, automobile buyers often find themselves without such safeguards. There are myriad reasons for this oversight: a dearth of government agencies, politicians, and attorneys ready to counter car dealers who flagrantly use bait-and-switch advertising tactics and partake in unfair and deceptive trade practices.

It's no secret that Florida is home to a vast number of lawyers. A simple Google search reveals that over 107,000 individuals are members of the Florida Bar. However, few among them are willing to challenge car dealers who exploit their customers. Alarmingly, there’s scarcely a mention of this concern by media outlets, the office of Attorney General Ashley Moody, or politicians ranging from Governor DeSantis down to local representatives. The disproportionate influence of the Big Auto lobby, which operates with significant clout yet remains less conspicuous than groups like the NRA or Big Insurance, is a likely culprit. Their ability to "fly under the radar" makes them even more formidable.

For over two decades, I've authored blog posts, penned newspaper columns, and hosted a weekly radio segment on "Earl on Cars" at True Oldie stations every Saturday from 8-10 am EST. Each week, an undercover "mystery shopper" visits various Florida car dealerships on my behalf. Posing as a prospective buyer, this agent then reports their findings on my live talk show, where I openly share the names of the salespeople, managers, and dealerships involved. My ethos is to "tell it like it is." Whenever a state or federal law has been violated, I don't hesitate to mention it. Regrettably, in approximately half of these numerous mystery shops, a law has been breached. Even more disconcertingly, around 90% of these visits uncover unethical, unfair, and deceptive behavior in both dealer actions and advertisements. As a legal professional, you might find this revelation intriguing: despite my candid exposés of car dealers on live radio, I’ve yet to face a lawsuit. I've certainly received threats, but as you well know, the truth stands as an impeccable defense against accusations of libel and slander.

Every week, distressed car buyers share their experiences on my show, narrating tales of exploitation at the hands of Florida dealers. Often, when I inquire if they’ve sought legal counsel, they express the challenges of finding an attorney to champion their cause. This is the impetus behind my letter. If you're willing to address the grievances of car buyers who reach out to me, please get in touch. I promise to connect you with numerous aggrieved individuals and feature your contact details on You can reach me directly at 561-358-1474.

Warm regards,

Earl Stewart

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